The Best Educational Consultancy in UK
Customised Study Tour Groups
Study, travel and experience the UK with STC Education's customised Summer and Winter programs. Experience the real UK at local institutions and study more than just English.
Short and Long Term English Study
STC Education provides you with the best study options in the UK. Academic English, Business English, Exam English, Homestay tuition and more.
Educational Consultancy
Providing expert advice to continue your studies in the UK. A-Levels, IB, Foundation and pathway programmes.
School Search
Talk with our British Council trained education advisor to find the best path for you.
Preparing Your Application
Our native English consultants help to prepare your SOP and CV, to make sure your application is as strong as it can be.
Visa Preparation Service
Our dedicated and experienced team will help you prepare everything you need to get your UK Visa.
Accommodation Support
We can help you find the accommodation which suits you-homestay, university accommodation, or rent privately.
Itinerary Planning
We have a UK-based education team which can give you advice on planning your trip. You'll get a trip guidebook designed by us if you sign up for our study tours.
Local Service in the UK
As a local company we are here to help you with any problems you encounter in the UK.
Professionals in Education
Accumulating years of experience helping students from Taiwan and China achieve their English language study goals.
Good Local Connections
Personal visits to UK schools and partner institutions allow us to know every detail about their courses, facilities, and teachers.
Industry Knowledge
Industry knowledge from working at prominent language schools lets us give you better advice.
Quality Certificated
Accredited by the British Council is a must for our partner schools. We will only select the best schools in the UK have to offer for our clients.
Ethical regarding our business practices. We believe in being transparent, upfront, and honest with our clients and partner organisations. No hidden fees, no hidden agreements, and no false promises.
Customer Driven
Customer driven is how we describe ourselves. Our goal is to provide you with the information and continuous support to achieve your study goals.
Trained Staff Members
All our consultants have completed at least the British Council entry-level training course for educational agents.
100% Customer Satisfaction
Because of our dedicated service, we always get good feedback from our students and their parents. We promise you a good experience in UK.
To provide our clients with the most suitable UK educational programs possible and give the most expert advice to achieve their desired study aims.
maggie 這次我一個人帶孩子來英國半自助親子遊學,是我第一次獨自出國,難免有些害怕擔心,我非常感謝STC Education 的Harry老師的幫忙,在台灣就提供資訊協助我了解很多事情,到了英國上課第一天也帶我和小孩到語言學校報到,了解交通環境,甚至有任何問題詢問Harry也都很熱心及時給予協助,我們已經像朋友一樣了,Harry是一個很棒的遊學顧問!讓我們母子倆在英國,從陌生到適應,也對英國遊學生活留下了很美好的回憶!感謝Harry😊 Liya Lin 謝謝Harry和Michelle 事先幫忙排除萬難(因為經過3年疫情,今年暑假真的大家都擠爆)安排這次令人難忘的遊學之旅,也謝謝這3週遊學中幫忙貼心處理,解決總總突發事件…讓我們順利圓滿完成第一次英國之旅..若有朋友詢問英國遊學,留學相關事宜,毫不遲疑,第一推薦一定是STC イセン 這次很感謝Michelle 和Harry ,從一開始的行程說明到下飛機到英國當地都做了最好的安排,在這些日子裡給與我們很多的照顧,讓我跟孩子的第一次英國行非常安心,我們一起創造的回憶將會豐富我跟孩子的人生。 非常推薦STC,謝謝你們! Claire Yeh 我實在太感謝Harry和Michelle 的協助安排及代辦;STC是間讓人放心且信任的教育代辦中心,而且Harry和Michelle 很溫暖、很細心,讓我們這趟親子英國遊學留下很好的回憶;也讓我的孩子在這三週的遊學過程中,有所學習、有所成長,我們之後還想要再到英國遊學,STC會是我們的唯一選擇! Lindsey Lin 很推薦的代辦 想當初去英國前,找了幾家代辦 但STC真的是非常用心 會根據你的需求為你找到適合你的語言學校 除了用心之外更多的是在海外的幫助 在英國時發生了一些狀況 但好在有Michelle 以及Harry老師的幫忙 才能夠順利解決 所以當有人問我有沒有推薦的代辦 我都會推薦STC 下次如果還要再去英國留學 我也會再找他們 Zachary Chang 從一開始在台灣的線上課程Michelle老師都會跟我確認最新的狀況以及關心我課業的問題,之後去了英國也持續的關心我,無論從課業還是到生活都會問我有沒有需要幫忙的,這讓我安心許多畢竟這是第一次一個人出國生活。 另外Harry老師也幫助我許多,因為申請大學的過程需要看很多文件以及資料或著是一些注意事項,此時老師都會逐一的跟我講解,把所有需要處理的東西都清楚的跟我說,這讓我輕鬆須多也沒那麼有壓力。老師甚至還幫我處理有關大學房租的事情讓我省掉許多麻煩也比較放心。 不論是從生活還是到課業上STC Education都給我許多幫助也會不定時關心我的狀況,在海外一個人生活也會感到放心。 林雨辰 100分的遊學安排團隊💕 Lyndsy 真的是個值得相信的公司,我的第一次遊學就是他們安排的,不論是行程的規劃,抑或是最重要的吃和住,他們都安排得妥當。且當你遇到困難,Harry & Michelle 都會很認真的在第一時間幫你解決。希望正在考慮又看到我留言的人能夠相信我。♥ 吳柏霖 行程規劃的很好,老師也很好
這是我第一次到英國遊學,在這三週的期間不論是課程行程,抑或是最重要的吃住都安排的非常妥當,其中如果有遇到任何問題,隨團老師-Harry & Michelle... 都會很樂意並且在第一時間幫你處理好。
很感謝有這一次機會,讓我脫離亞洲,到更遙遠的地方看見世界。read more
當初是透過雷恩斯老師的介紹與推薦,才能有機會認識Harry 與Michelle... 兩位認真又專業的老師!日後有機會在去英國遊學,還是會選擇她們STC😊❤️🇬🇧read more
先來說說我跟Harry and Michelle的緣分,我是透過我的英文老師介紹,她說他們非常認真負責也很瞭解英國遊學的這一塊,而且也能達到你所想要的條件,像是預算、學校不要太多亞洲人等等,他們都能夠很專業的給我資... 訊且有問必答,這也是為什麼我最後選擇他們的原因。
最重要的一點,真的得說我來這邊之後speaking and listening進步許多,從一開始跟外國人開口都還會很卡甚至不敢開口,到現在我來這邊已經快三個月了,能夠跟外國人對答的很流利也比較不會卡了,大致上都能夠聽得懂他們所說的話(95%左右),不過writing進步的幅度沒有那麼的大,當然跟我自己練習的多寡有關,如果真的要好好加強writing就要跟老師討論,他們都會給你很好的意見,重點是要能夠持之以恆😂
最後,我真的很推薦STC education,不管是從事前的規劃,再到英國後他們都很用心的為各個學生準備且都會隨時關心我們近況,不管有什麼問題都能夠跟他們反應,(錢不夠等等......開玩笑😝),真的非常感謝他們😹
誠心推薦!read more